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Beyond Barbells
The Barbell Prescription is an approach to healthy aging based on lifestyle medicine--physical training, nutrition, and recovery.
The squat is the cornerstone of The Barbell Prescription. Here you'll find content on squat technique and troubleshooting.
The overhead press is a powerful, useful, and highly skill-and-mobility-dependent exercise. Find articles on its why and how we train the press here.
The deadlift is a simple but powerful exercise with profound beneficial effect on back strength and back pain. Learn more about it here.
The bench press is more technical than you might think, and valuable for building muscle and strength. Learn more about it.
The program is the prescription! Programming is what transforms us from mere exercisers to Athletes of Aging. Explore more here.
Conditioning is a crucial part of the barbell prescription. Explore this topic here.
The Athlete of Aging will ideally USE their strength to explore new horizons of physical expression: swimming, yoga, hiking, t'ai chi, etc. Learn more here.
Nutrition is a critical, complex, and contentious topic, and most of what we read and hear about it isn't based on good data. Learn more here.
Recovery is THE critical element in training. Learn more about the crucial importance of recovery factors and rehab from minor injuries here.
Most chronic diseases are reasons TO train, not reasons to avoid training. Explore our growing library of medical topics here.
The Barbell Prescription is a way of life--the life of the Athlete of Aging. You'll find lots to think about in this section of our library.